In the post covid world we now live in, there has no doubt been a big upswing in the amount of people wanting to rebalance their minds and bodies. The increasing popularity of Yoga is undeniable. New Zealand yoga studios, private yoga lessons and corporate yoga lessons are on the rise and experienced yoga instructors are in hot demand.
To practise yoga amongst other yogi’s is incredibly uplifting. The energy of the group is powerful. Interacting and making friends and sharing the same experiences should never be underestimated, it’s a side of yoga that is not often celebrated but it should be!
At Yogagym we offer you the benefits of both worlds. The opportunity to join our small welcoming classes and also to receive individual private lessons.
If you are a person that prefers not to practice in groups or feel a little bit anxious about group classes, then you should consider taking private lessons instead. Private yoga classes allow you to work on the poses and stretches that make sense for you on your schedule and at your own pace. Yoga Gym offers in-person private yoga classes that are designed for beginners to the world of yoga.
These private sessions allow you to ease into yoga in a safer manner, with proper alignment and a clear focus on your goals and needs.
What Yoga Gym Private Classes can do for you.
Get to know your instructor
Less self conscious and feel comfortable about asking personal questions
Set Goals
We can work around your schedule
Preparation for group classes
Learn advanced techniques for the more experienced yogi.
Get to know your instructor.
Tanaz is a highly experienced qualified yoga instructor who has set up a yoga studio in her own home to share her love and knowledge of yoga. Through this dedication to the art of yoga, Tanaz understands that we are all different and for some people group classes are not so appealing to them. This is one of the main triggers why she has established private classes. To find out more about Tanaz click here.
Less self conscious and feel comfortable about asking personal questions.
From time to time we all suffer from various physical ailments but we still want to continue with yoga.
Different people come to yoga for different reasons, all looking for some of the many benefits yoga has to offer based on their own personal needs. Maybe it’s your anxiety you’re taking to manage or your lower back pain. When you book a private lesson we can work through these problems together and find solutions that will benefit your individual area of concern.
Set Goals with your private instructor.
Accountability and measure is an effective tool to enable you to achieve your yoga goals.
Tanaz can modify your poses and select ones that work around your particular challenges. This is a fantastic option for people who find it difficult to do certain poses due to injury or mobility problems.
We can work around your schedule
So you know that you need yoga in your life, but you just cannot get here through life commitments. The good news with having private lessons is that we can schedule them to work around you! Check out our class times here, and if this is just impossible for you, then contact Tanaz to arrange a time for a private lesson.
Preparation for group classes
Some people prefer to do private classes on a permanent basis. However, others simply use them to prepare themselves to join a group setting later down the line. Working with Tanaz with private lessons you are able to get all the basics nailed down, priming you for bigger and more social classes.
Learn advanced techniques for the more experienced yogi
What are we really talking about when we talk about advanced yoga? It can mean the ability to do more complicated poses, but it can also mean having the experience to decide that those poses aren't for you. Being physically adept doesn't make you better at yoga. When you take your private lesson with Yoga Gym you will most definitely learn something new!
The one on one will give you the skills and confidence you need to take your Yoga practice to the next level. These sessions are tailor-made to your needs and may incorporate Hatha Yoga, breath work, along with exercises to build your strength and stability. There is also the option for guided meditation.
Sessions from $75 per hour.
You are welcome at the Yoga Gym studio, which is a 5 minute walk from the Cockle Bay beach. Why not finish your session with a walk on the beach or maybe a swim. This is a great way to connect with nature and nourish your mind, body and soul.
For an additional charge I can travel to your place, if you prefer to be in the comfort of your own home.
Yoga for Life!
In a time when the world seems to be spinning faster and faster, the feeling of being overwhelmed, anxious and not being in control of our lives is a complaint that alot of us are feeling. The purpose of yoga is to transcend all of these things. Yoga stills the mind and relaxes the body and opens up the possibility of connecting to what we already have -- to who we already are.
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